4 research outputs found

    Mentorielle Betreuung im Web – Konzepte und Perspektiven für das Fernstudium

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    Im vorliegenden Artikel werden zunächst verschiedene für die Betreuung Fernstudierender relevante Konzepte vorgestellt. Nach einem zusammenfassenden Vergleich, der die jeweils unterschiedlichen Rollen der Betreuenden aufzeigt und in eine Unterscheidung zwischen statischen und dynamischen Betreuungskonzepten mündet, werden unter Einbeziehung weiterer Studien zum computergestützten und kollaborativen Lernen Perspektiven für zukünftige Betreuungsszenarien im Fernstudium formuliert. Zentrale Aspekte sind dabei die Gestaltung von Mentoriaten, der drei Basiskonzepte zugrunde liegen sollten (Blended Learning, kooperatives Lernen, diskursbezogene Betreuung), die Gestaltung der Zusammenarbeit der Betreuenden, für die verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Förderung von Kommunikation und Kooperation aufgezeigt werden, und die zu berücksichtigenden Anforderungen an Mentoren/-innen, die vor allem eine umfassende Medienkompetenz und sozial-kommunikative Kompetenz betreffen. Empfohlen wird darüber hinaus die Einrichtung einer koordinierenden Instanz in Form einer/eines übergreifend agierenden Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiters für die Betreuungsorganisation (Betreuungskoordinator/in)

    Contribution of tillage systems on the organic matter of Gley soil and the productivity of corn and soybean soil and the productivity of corn

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    O comportamento dos teores de matéria orgânica em um Gleissolo e da produtividade do milho e soja foi avaliado em condição de clima temperado (Estação Experimental da Universidade de Purdue – West Lafayette – Indiana - Estados Unidos - Long: 86º 55’ W e Lat: 40º 26’ N). Estudaram-se os efeitos de seis tratamentos (três diferentes sistemas de cultivo: convencional (SC), plantio direto (PD) e cultivo mínimo (CM), com duas sucessões de culturas (soja-milho e milho cultivado continuamente)), com delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, constituindo seis tratamentos arranjados em parcelas subdivididas (split-plot), com três repetições. Nas parcelas experimentais foram estabelecidos os tratamentos de sucessão das culturas e a sub-parcela, os sistemas de manejo do solo. Analisaram-se amostras de solo provenientes de cinco profundidades em 11 posições, de uma linha transversal na parcela e a produtividade de grãos. Os teores de matéria orgânica aumentam na camada superficial à medida que diminuiu a movimentação do solo, na seguinte seqüência: PD > CM > CC. O CC proporcionou maiores valores de produtividade do milho quando associado ao CM e em sucessão à soja; quando comparado com os sistemas conservacionistas e, nas condições de clima temperado e quando em solos hidromórficos, os teores de matéria orgânica estabelecem relação inversamente proporcional à produtividade, com menor expressão para a sucessão de soja e milho.To evaluate the behavior of the organic matter in the profile of Gley soil and the productivity of corn and soybean in a temperate climate (Experimental Station of the University of Purdue - West Lafayette - Indiana - United States - Long: 86º 55' W and Lat: 40º 26' N). The effects of six treatments were studied, derived from three different tillage systems: conventional tillage, minimum tillage, and no tillage, with two successions of crops (soybean-corn and continuous corn), in an experiment conducted in the period of 1980 to 1995, with an experimental design of randomized blocks constituting six treatments arranged in subdivided parcels (split-plot), with three replications. In the experimental plots the treatments of succession of crops and the sub-plot were established with the systems of soil management. The sub-plot was constituted by three tillage systems: conventional tillage, minimum tillage, and no tillage. The soil samples originating from five depths and 11 positions and the data of productivity were analyzed, taken in a transversal line from the plot. With the results it can be concluded that: a) the percentage of organic matter increases in the superficial layer as the movement of the soil diminished, in the following sequence: no tillage system > minimum tillage system > conventional system; b) system of conventional tillage provided greater values of corn yield when associated to continuous crop and in succession with soybean; when compared with conservation tillage; and c) in the conditions of a temperate climate and hydromorphic soil, the content of organic matter showed a relation inversely proportional to productivity, with a smaller performance for the succession of soybean and corn